Crowns & Bridges

Crowns & Bridges in Broussard, LA

Dental crowns and bridges are restorative dentistry options to address missing or damaged teeth and improve your smile's appearance. At LaBry Family Dentistry, patients with missing teeth, crowns, and bridges offer an attractive alternative to complete smile restoration. Unlike removable dentures, these permanent prosthetics are fixed to the mouth and do not need to be removed for cleaning or other maintenance. These restorations can improve the appearance of your smile, restore oral function and prevent adjacent teeth from shifting out of place due to excessive space or bite misalignment. An adequately maintained crown or bridge can last decades and provide a comfortable chewing function for the rest of a patient’s life.

Dental Crowns

A crown is a tooth-shaped “cap” placed over a tooth to restore its shape, size, and strength. Dental crowns are often used when decay is severe enough to threaten the structural integrity of a tooth. They can also hold a dental bridge in place or cover a misshapen or severely discolored teeth. Dental crowns can be made from metal alloys, resins, and porcelain fused to metal. 

The Benefits of Dental Crowns

Your dentist in Broussard, LA, may recommend a dental crown when your tooth has been damaged by decay or is weakened from trauma. Crowns can also be used to help protect a weak tooth from fracturing. Often, a crown is placed on a dental implant to replace a tooth that is missing. The crown will be custom-made to fit your mouth and match the color of your natural teeth. When cared for properly, dental crowns can last a long time before needing to be replaced.

Dental Bridges

A dental bridge is a device that helps to replace one or more missing teeth in a row. Bridges are anchored on existing teeth or dental implants and then placed by crowns over the surrounding natural teeth. Bridges are ideal for patients that have lost one tooth or more due to decay, gum disease, injury, and more. Dental bridges are healthy and stable, look natural, and restore your ability to chew and speak clearly.

The Advantages of Dental Bridges

A dental bridge is a fixed restoration that replaces one or more missing teeth in a row and is permanently cemented in place. The bridge spans the gap where teeth are missing using false teeth called pontics. This restores the patient’s ability to bite, chew, and speak clearly without worrying about the teeth shifting out of place. It also prevents the remaining teeth from drifting out of position and into the missing tooth's gap, causing misalignment or decay. Bridges restore the appearance of your smile by filling in the gaps between the teeth and preventing other teeth from moving into the spaces. 

If you’re missing one or more teeth and want to restore your smile’s appearance, visit LaBry Family Dentistry at 100 Tennyson Drive, Broussard, LA 70518, or call (337) 330-8480 for the best dental care customized to your particular requirements.

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Broussard, LA

100 Tennyson Drive, Broussard, LA 70518


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  • MON - WED8:00 am - 5:00 pm
  • THU7:00 am - 3:00 pm
  • FRI8:00 am - 12:00 pm
  • SAT - SUNClosed
(337) 330-8480